
The ultimate CryptoLocker script

In a previous post I’ve been looking at how to use file screening to help block CryptoLocker. File screening is a great feature of Windows Server 2012 but the set up can be a pain. With this in mind this is a handy script which will make all the configuration changes for you.

Hosted over at GitHub a user called M-Dwyer has posted an awesome script called CryptoBlocker to take care of the entire process for you – from installing File Screening through to adding shares and configuring the file extension restrictions.

I’ve included a copy below but I would encourage you to have a read over the file hosted at GitHub. Just copy the file to a powershell script and then run it on your 2012 server.

# DeployCryptoBlocker.ps1
# This script performs the following actions:
# 1) Checks for network shares
# 2) Install File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) if missing
# 3) Creates Batch and PowerShell scripts used by FSRM
# 4) Creates a File Group within FSRM containing malicious extensions to screen on
# 5) Creates a File Screen Template utilising this File Group, with an Event notification and Command notification
#    to run the scripts created in Step 3)
# 6) Creates File Screens utilising this template for each drive containing network shares

################################ Functions ################################

Function PurgeNonAdminDirectoryPermissions([string] $directory)
    $acl = Get-Acl $directory

    if ($acl.AreAccessRulesProtected)
        $acl.Access | % { $acl.PurgeAccessRules($_.IdentityReference) }
        $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $true)

    $ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("SYSTEM","FullControl","Allow")
    $ar = $ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Administrators","FullControl","Allow")
    Set-Acl -AclObject $acl -Path $directory

################################ Functions ################################

# Add to all drives
$drivesContainingShares = Get-WmiObject Win32_Share | Select Name,Path,Type | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 0 } | Select -ExpandProperty Path | % { "$((Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $_).Root)" } | Select -Unique
if ($drivesContainingShares -eq $null -or $drivesContainingShares.Length -eq 0)
    Write-Host "No drives containing shares were found. Exiting.."

Write-Host "The following shares needing to be protected: $($drivesContainingShares -Join ",")"

$majorVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$minorVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor

Write-Host "Checking File Server Resource Manager.."

Import-Module ServerManager

if ($majorVer -ge 6)
    $checkFSRM = Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager

    if ($minorVer -ge 2 -and $checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2012
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2012).."
        Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager -IncludeManagementTools
    elseif ($minorVer -ge 1 -and $checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2008 R2
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2008 R2).."
        Add-WindowsFeature FS-FileServer, FS-Resource-Manager
    elseif ($checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2008
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2008).."
        &servermanagercmd -Install FS-FileServer FS-Resource-Manager
    # Assume Server 2003
    Write-Host "Other version of Windows detected! Quitting.."

$fileGroupName = "CryptoBlockerGroup"
$fileTemplateName = "CryptoBlockerTemplate"
$fileScreenName = "CryptoBlockerScreen"

$monitoredExtensions = @(
    "*want your files back.*",
    "how to decrypt*",

$scriptFilename = "C:\FSRMScripts\KillUserSession.ps1"
$batchFilename = "C:\FSRMScripts\KillUserSession.bat"
$eventConfFilename = "$env:Temp\cryptoblocker-eventnotify.txt"
$cmdConfFilename = "$env:Temp\cryptoblocker-cmdnotify.txt"

$scriptConf = @'
param([string] $DomainUser)
Function DenySharePermission ([string] $ShareName, [string] $DomainUser)
    $domainUserSplit = $DomainUser.Split("\")
    $trusteeClass = [wmiclass] "ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Trustee"
    $trustee = $trusteeClass.CreateInstance()
    $trustee.Domain = $domainUserSplit[0]
    $trustee.Name = $domainUserSplit[1]
    $aceClass = [wmiclass] "ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_ACE"
    $ace = $aceClass.CreateInstance()
    $ace.AccessMask = 2032127
    $ace.AceType = 1
    $ace.Trustee = $trustee
    $shss = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "Name='$ShareName'"
    $sd = Invoke-WmiMethod -InputObject $shss -Name GetSecurityDescriptor | Select -ExpandProperty Descriptor
    $sclass = [wmiclass] "ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_SecurityDescriptor"
    $newsd = $sclass.CreateInstance()
    $newsd.ControlFlags = $sd.ControlFlags
    foreach ($oace in $sd.DACL)
        $newsd.DACL +=  [System.Management.ManagementBaseObject] $oace
    $newsd.DACL += [System.Management.ManagementBaseObject] $ace
    $share = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "Name='$ShareName'"
    $setResult = $share.SetSecurityDescriptor($newsd)
    return $setResult.ReturnValue
# Let's try altering share permissions..
$Username = $DomainUser.Split("\")[1]
$affectedShares = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share |
                    Select Name, Path, Type |
                    Where { $_.Type -eq 0 }
$affectedShares | % {
    Write-Host "Denying [$DomainUser] access to share [$($_.Name)].."
    DenySharePermission -ShareName $_.Name -DomainUser $DomainUser
Write-Host $affectedShares

$batchConf = @"
@echo off
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$scriptFilename" -DomainUser %1

$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $scriptFilename
$batchDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $batchFilename

if (-not (Test-Path $scriptDirectory))
    Write-Host "Script directory [$scriptDirectory] not found. Creating.."
    New-Item -Path $scriptDirectory -ItemType Directory

if (-not (Test-Path $batchDirectory))
    Write-Host "Batch directory [$batchDirectory] not found. Creating.."
    New-Item -Path $batchDirectory -ItemType Directory

# FSRM stipulates that the command directories/files can only be accessible by SYSTEM or Administrators
# As a result, we lock down permissions for SYSTEM and local admin only
Write-Host "Purging Non-Admin NTFS permissions on script directory [$scriptDirectory].."
Write-Host "Purging Non-Admin NTFS permissions on batch directory [$batchDirectory].."

Write-Host "Writing defensive PowerShell script to location [$scriptFilename].."
$scriptConf | Out-File -Encoding ASCII $scriptFilename
Write-Host "Writing batch script launcher to location [$batchFilename].."
$batchConf | Out-File -Encoding ASCII $batchFilename

$eventConf = @"
Message=User [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] to [File Screen Path] on the [Server] server. This file is in the [Violated File Group] file group, which is not permitted on the server.  An attempt has been made at blocking this user.

$cmdConf = @"
Arguments=[Source Io Owner]

Write-Host "Writing temporary FSRM Event Viewer configuration to location [$eventConfFilename].."
$eventConf | Out-File $eventConfFilename
Write-Host "Writing temporary FSRM Command configuration to location [$cmdConfFilename].."
$cmdConf | Out-File $cmdConfFilename

Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Group [$fileGroupName] with monitored file [$($monitoredExtensions -Join ",")].."
&filescrn.exe filegroup Delete /Filegroup:$fileGroupName /Quiet
&filescrn.exe Filegroup Add "/Filegroup:$fileGroupName" "/Members:$($monitoredExtensions -Join "|")"

Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Screen Template [$fileTemplateName] with Event Notification [$eventConfFilename] and Command Notification [$cmdConfFilename].."
&filescrn.exe Template Delete /Template:$fileTemplateName /Quiet
&filescrn.exe Template Add "/Template:$fileTemplateName" "/Add-Filegroup:$fileGroupName" "/Add-Notification:E,$eventConfFilename" "/Add-Notification:C,$cmdConfFilename" /Type:Passive

Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Screens.."
$drivesContainingShares | % {
    Write-Host "`tAdding/replacing File Screen for [$_] with Source Template [$fileTemplateName].."
    &filescrn.exe Screen Delete "/Path:$_" /Quiet
    &filescrn.exe Screen Add "/Path:$_" "/SourceTemplate:$fileTemplateName"

Write-Host "Removing temporary FSRM Event Viewer configuration file [$eventConfFilename].."
Write-Host "Removing temporary FSRM Event Viewer configuration file [$cmdConfFilename].."
Remove-Item $eventConfFilename
Remove-Item $cmdConfFilename


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